Tuesday, December 9, 2014

When Everyone Thinks They Are Right.

The trouble with wanting to be right, is that there needs another party to be wrong.

There have been many articles written about the growing sense of entitlement individuals have as a result of the changing dynamics of economic and social status brought on by a more 'affluent' world. It is not a disease afflicting only the 'young' or 'younger' generation. It is an epidemic that affects all. The result of a connected world that keeps very few isolated from the onslaught of 'opinions'.

Let's discuss opinions.

Opinion is defined as a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. (As defined by Google if you type in, 'definition of opinion')

I reiterate the crucial point not to be missed: Not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

However, I have noticed a severe lack of scrutiny from the mouths of The Opinionator (which by the way, is a word, not just something I just conjured up). The force with which most Opinionators proclaim their 'opinions' leaves the impression that there is undisputed solid evidence proving their claims. More often than not, most jumped the gun, having to eventually swallow their words soon after. More distressing than just the premature interjections, are how often they occur, and how easily influenced the audience has become. It is now the norm to run your mouth with little thought of consequences because, "It is my right."

So seeing as everyone has rights, what's on the other side of that coin?

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